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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study participants from the MJ cohort according to FPG trajectory groups

From: 6-Year trajectory of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and mortality risk among individuals with normal FPG at baseline: a prospective cohort study



(N = 50,919)

FPG trajectory

P value


(N = 32,481)


(N = 17,164)


(N = 1274)

Age, years

40.1 [± 11.8]

37.7 [± 11.0]

43.9 [± 11.9]

50.0 [± 11.6]

 < 0.001



 < 0.001


25,942 (51.0)

13,794 (42.5)

11,301 (65.8)

847 (66.5)



24,977 (49.0)

18,687 (57.5)

5863 (34.2)

427 (33.5)


Marital status


 < 0.001


10,543 (20.7)

8182 (25.2)

2290 (13.3)

71 (5.6)



35,820 (70.4)

21,681 (66.8)

13,116 (76.4)

1023 (80.3)


 Divorced or widowed

2595 (5.1)

1442 (4.4)

1041 (6.1)

112 (8.8)


Education level


 < 0.001

 Middle school or lower

9471 (18.6)

4999 (15.4)

4028 (23.5)

444 (34.9)


 High school

11,302 (22.2)

7400 (22.8)

3626 (21.1)

276 (21.7)


 Junior college

12,131 (23.8)

8325 (25.6)

3619 (21.1)

187 (14.7)


 College or higher

16,612 (32.6)

10,895 (33.5)

5402 (31.5)

315 (24.7)




 < 0.001

 White collar

24,848 (48.8)

16,026 (49.3)

8265 (48.2)

557 (43.7)


 Blue collar

7963 (15.6)

4859 (15.0)

2925 (17.0)

179 (14.1)


 Self employed

3630 (7.1)

2309 (7.1)

1214 (7.1)

107 (8.4)


 House wife/husband

6996 (13.7)

4336 (13.4)

2414 (14.1)

246 (19.3)



5328 (10.5)

3636 (11.2)

1580 (9.2)

112 (8.8)


 Body mass index, kg/m2

22.9 [± 3.3]

22.1 [± 3.1]

24.1 [± 3.2]

25.9 [± 3.4]

 < 0.001

Smoking status


 < 0.001


34,440 (67.6)

22,839 (70.3)

10,845 (63.2)

756 (59.3)



3226 (6.3)

1648 (5.1)

1460 (8.5)

118 (9.3)



9921 (19.5)

5803 (17.8)

3812 (22.2)

306 (24.0)


Drinking status


 < 0.001


36,793 (72.3)

24,451 (75.3)

11,551 (67.3)

791 (62.1)



1103 (2.2)

589 (1.8)

464 (2.7)

50 (3.9)



9483 (18.6)

5155 (15.9)

3992 (23.3)

336 (26.4)


Physical activity


 < 0.001


21,657 (42.5)

14,527 (44.7)

6652 (38.8)

478 (37.5)


 Low active

13,518 (26.6)

8845 (27.2)

4380 (25.5)

293 (23.0)


 Medium active

9225 (18.1)

5468 (16.8)

3467 (20.2)

290 (22.8)


 High active

2812 (5.5)

1531 (4.7)

1193 (7.0)

88 (6.9)


 Very high active

1559 (3.1)

822 (2.5)

689 (4.0)

48 (3.8)




 < 0.001

 No hypertension

27,014 (53.1)

19,899 (61.3)

6791 (39.6)

324 (25.4)



15,405 (30.3)

8868 (27.3)

6115 (35.6)

422 (33.1)



8500 (16.7)

3714 (11.4)

4258 (24.8)

528 (41.4)



16,518 (32.4)

8691 (26.8)

7129 (41.5)

698 (54.8)

 < 0.001

 FPG, mmol/L

5.3 [0.5]

5.1 [0.3]

5.6 [0.4]

6.2 [0.5]

 < 0.001

  1. Values are presented as N (%) or Mean [± SD]
  2. Missing data not shown