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Fig. 1 | Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome

Fig. 1

From: Syndecan-4 as a genetic determinant of the metabolic syndrome

Fig. 1

Sex-dependent alterations in body composition and energy expenditure in Sdc4 deficient mice fed a 14-week LFD. (A) Under LFD conditions, male Sdc4−/− mice did not show a statistically significant gain weight (Time*genotype*sex: F10,230=5.01, p < 0.0001). Values represent the mean of % change in body weights from baseline for n = 6–7 independent replicates. Error bars represent standard errors (SE). (B-C) Following the dietary intervention, male Sdc4−/− mice displayed significantly less % fat body mass (panel B) and higher % lean body mass (panel C). Box and whiskers plots denote individual data points separated by a line representing the group median. Each individual value is plotted as a dot superimposed on the boxplots. In both panels, **p < 0.01 was obtained from Tukey post hoc tests for multiple comparisons. (D-E) LFD-fed male Sdc4−/− mice had smaller adipocytes in epididymal WAT than WT mice. Representative H&E of epididymal WAT sections (panel D) and cumulative relative frequencies (CRF) distribution of adipocyte size (panel E) from male mice (100 cells per animal; n = 3–4). (F) LFD-fed male Sdc4−/− mice exhibited lower fat- and lean-adjusted REE than male WT mice. Data indicates least-square means ± SE for n = 6–7 independent replicates. (G) LFD-fed male Sdc4−/− mice displayed significantly different 24-hr fluctuations in RER than male WT mice. Data indicates mean ± SE. n = 6 animals per genotype

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